Benin is committed to accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and achieve the SDGs.

Download the SDG bond issuance framework


SDG Bond issuance

In July 2021, Benin made its mark on the international market with a 500 million euro issue (328 billion CFA francs with a 14-year maturity). The particularity of this issue (the first issue of an SDG Eurobond by an African country and one of the first in the world) is that it is intended to exclusively finance several social and environmental projects that contribute to Benin's commitments to achieve the SDGs.

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Executive summary – SDSN Benin report on sustainable development 2022


Resource allocation

Measuring and evaluating the use of loan proceeds is essential. This ensures that funds are used appropriately, and allows the monitoring of progress towards the SDGs. Transparency is the foundation of our work. This database provides a detailed picture of the funds' distribution.

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Projects follow-up

This interactive map provides a more detailed look at the different projects throughout the country and gives an overview of the activities underway and their impact on the ultimate beneficiaries.

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